Wednesday, July 24, 2013

There have been many a time that I've sat down with intentions of starting a blog, and have even started a handful over the years, and then promptly lost interest, ran out of time, or realized I had nothing at all to write about. So here's hoping this one will be different. I've decided there's a chance I might keep this one up since the main reason I'm starting it is that I took far too many pictures on my last trip, and feel kind of guilty uploading 800 photos to facebook. Mostly because a) everyone's sick of looking at my Europe photos and shouldn't, probably, be forced to any longer, and b) I don't need to have that many pictures on facebook.

So slowly but surely, I will be adding to this (I hope). It will serve as my own little journal of the trip too, somewhere I can combine all the random notes and things I wrote down in a hundred different places throughout the trip. This way I can have them all in one place so I can remember how it was, and all the little reasons why I didn't want to come home at the end of it. I will probably be backdating them too, so we can all pretend I was wonderfully organized and writing things and keeping records as I went along.

And once I've gotten through this last trip, maybe I'll keep it up just for kicks, just in case anyone feels like continuing to read about my little adventures.

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